Monday, 8 February 2010

I had so much fun working on that one, so I'll definitely keep visiting this style.

And check out
He's the guy that inspired me when I did the drawing, and he's probably one of the most charming and original artists I've seen for a while.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Digital doodle

Uploaded on deviantart. It's all digital. T'was fun working on.


Okay, it's been a long time since I updated this blog, so I figure I should do something 'bout that.
Looking back on my DA gallery and comparing my present works with those I made when I just kept ripping off Mike Mignola, I realize that I've actually improved a lot. There're still several things that I need to improve on though. A recurring mistake I seem to make is not practicing full-body drawings, I just keep restricting it to upper bodies. Different kinds of prespective and angles are also things I need to get right. I've gotten a lot better at faces, but I need to keep characters distinct.
The best example of my current level of skill is probably this drawing. I can do colouring too, but I'm still kinda new to that.

I started doing a bit of digital drawing again, after watching some videos by the brilliant , specifically the ones on portraits and concepting. I find it to be fun just opening a document and painting whatever springs to mind. It's also a chance to escape the confines of my style.

But hell, I'm rambling. I'll just end this by giving ya'll the tip to check out Tetsuya Nomura's artworks. That man is a beast, and his style is an excellent example of a beautiful blend of western style comics and japanese anime/manga. He did the artwork on many of the Final Fantasy Games and the Kingdom Hearts series, if you're wondering where to start looking if you're interested.

Keep on rocking people.